22 Anniversary

For more information:

Teacher Resource Guide for Grades K-12

Maximize Your Upcoming Field Trip Experience of Historic Philadelphia

Thank you for your interest in our new Teacher Resource Guide with useful information, including pre-trip and post-trip exercises. The Constitutional's Teacher Resource Guide is written by teachers for teachers. 

This guide is for those educators who have booked a tour and paid a deposit for a field trip with The Constitutional Walking Tour, as per the written confirmation letter which you have received from The Constitutional Walking Tour.

In order to ensure all of our information is accurate and up-to-date, please complete the form below to download the Teacher Resource Guide in PDF format. You will receive an email within 24 hours from The Constitutional with the password needed to open the document.

Additionally, The Constitutional Walking Tour is also an excellent tool to help you and your students meet state education requirements in a fun and interactive way. Please click here for more information on our Educational Standards.


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